Laundry Basket Case



A washer and dryer sense of humor

The whiff that made the olfactory reflex snap jarringly was emanating from somewhere deep in the recesses of the closet. Namely, my clothes hamper.

After the initial shock of the dank mixture that hits your otolaryngological system, (that means your eyes, ears, nose and throat system, I know!, I just learned that too!), there is a prideful reassurance that what you’re smelling belongs to you.

It’s almost comforting once you get over the offense of what it is.

If you were to walk into someone else's mixture of sweaty cotton blend and whatever else, you’d immediately finger clothespin your nose and spin on your heels to escape and exclaim your displeasure!

But, since what is stale and reposing in your laundry basket results from your strenuous physical exertions, a fierce pride foists its way forward because this result is what you were striving for. The stink of your activity is a sure sign of personal victory.

You’ve set forth a deliberate effort with a goal in mind of becoming more fit than when you started. You have accomplished that aim and you now have the bouquet of triumph to prove it.


Now comes the time to collect all that that has been rot. Gathering the basket can be hazardous, not just because of the odoriferous attack, but of the limited sightlines while carrying the bin of aromatic regalia. Especially if there is a cat, bent on sabotage, on the premises.

Transporting the contents can take the shape of many avenues depending on where the machines or the source of water is located. If the modern washing conveniences are within your domicile, it can be a short walk or a medium jaunt, depending on the size of the house.

There are also laundering facilities that private or public transportation can access. They are great for making progress in washing and meeting endeavors. Washing and drying lends to a shared experience that can be an immediate, and convenient, conversational icebreaker.

Comparing notes on clothing that you have in common with a fellow launderer, and also comparing garments and expanding their uses to fit your style, can establish an enlightening relationship. No one ever knows what they might find when developing their realm to include the unexpected.

A laundromat can do that!

If you are on a slice of terra firma that has a more natural and organic place to wash the garments that protect you from the most harsh of elements that can cause chapping and abrasion to the most delicate of dermis, there can be other forms of apprehension.

Not only does doing laundry in a freshwater river or creek, whichever the case may be, not only provide a suitable place to clean your suit, it can also be a suitable home for friendly or otherwise not so friendly species.

In some parts of the world, going to a place to do the laundry can be a life changing or life-threatening ordeal. It isn’t uncommon place that some unlucky denizens end up not only missing, but becoming an unwilling gastro adventure for some slithering, swimming reptile or thundering, multiped beast.

A person needs to do whatever they have to do to complete the project of getting their clothes back into form, so that they can wear them again. They also need to make sure they don’t tread or happen upon some type of disagreeable creature like a cat, for instance. 


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