
Showing posts with the label vacation

Some Hotels Aren't So Hot

  There is nothing hot about the hottest of hotels. From the polished brass and marble floors in the ones that shouldn’t cost as much as they do, to the ones where the desk clerk is ensconced behind bulletproof glass and the lobby air is circulated by a 30-year-old fan that looks like it hasn’t been dusted for 35. The type of people that check in to each aren’t separated by much more than what country made their clothing and accessories. If there is any difference between ultimately shoddy couture made in Pakistan or Vietnam, the differences are non-excitant.  Labels are the only difference between someone that has an American Express black card and someone that pays in wadded up cash and donated loose change. Do you think security is a factor? Let me ask you this. Which would you rather have in charge in case there is a decision to be made if there is a life and death situation? A passive, well-dressed dandy that is trained to hit a button summoning police that cou...