We Used to Be Tougher

Back in the day, our relatives — bless their cotton socks, which, incidentally, were probably knitted by a woman who single-handedly wrestled a grizzly bear to the ground while simultaneously balancing a load of laundry on her head — had guts. Real guts. The kind that wouldn’t flinch at a beer bottle hurled from a passing Model T, or a surprise encounter with a rogue badger. Back then, people would tell you exactly what they thought, even if what they thought was wildly inaccurate and offensively stupid. You’d just deal with it. Built character, you see. Or just a crippling resentment that you carried to your grave. And let’s be honest, the whole “tell it like it is” thing often involved a lot of yelling, spitting, and possibly some fisticuffs. But they were real. At least, that’s how they’d like to be remembered now that they’re all mostly dead and can’t contradict me. These days? Forget about it. We’re a nation of people who need a safe space from… well, from everything. I...